The mission of the Family Life Office is to be faithful to the diocesan vision by conveying Christ’s message of love and mercy through the natural life cycle.
“Building unity within our diocesan community”
This Ministry currently conducts educational and enrichment activities for:
Visit this website to get ideas on how to plan your Catholic Wedding:
The 2024 Rosary Walk is scheduled for Sunday, January 21st, 2024.
Please contact the Family Life Office if you have any questions.
This website will give you tips if you are newlywed or married already
Lists daily tips for parents for bulletins and newsletters in English and Spanish via
Free downloads, family faith ideas, feast day reminders, and more!
Call or email CASA LA ESPERANZA.
(956) 635-0403
All services are confidential.
Join us in praying a weekly rosary with your family. Each rosary prayed will be a spiritual rose presented to the Virgin Mary in a bouquet. We pray for our Pope, the universal church, world peace, the end to abortion, and the respect of all human life. Please get in touch with Mrs. Ivonne Aguirre at (956) 744-8737 for information.
For information on the annulment process, contact The Tribunal Department of The Diocese of Laredo
For ideas and advice and ideas on strengthening your marriage and your family: “For your Marriage” section.
To receive updates, newsletters, and ideas to promote human life from the moment of conception to natural death, visit the Pro-Life page of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) at
For resources to assist you or others in the painful process of Divorce, visit
For information on the Natural Family Planning Method, visit,, or
For information on the Year of Saint Joseph, visit the Vatican News webpage: CLICK HERE