Every 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 am. Baptismal instruction is offered on the preceding Sunday after 5:30 pm Mass. Please contact the office for more information.
Cada segundo domingo del mes a las 10:00 de la manana. Se ofrece una instruccion para el bautismo el domingo anterior despues de la Misa a las 5:30 pm. LLame a la oficina para mas informaciones.
Couples should inquire about premarital preparation and available church dates al least 6 months prior to planned wedding date. Do not make any arrangements before an interviw with the priest.
Los novios deben informarse acerca de la preparación y las fechas disponibles de la Iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la planificada fecha de la boda. No hagan ningún arreglo antes de la entrevista con el sacerdote quien va a oficiar su boda.
Every 2nd Saturday of the month from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
Cada segundo sábado del mes de 6:30 PM a 8:00 PM.
First Friday of the month from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Primer viernes del mes de 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Wednesdays of the Lent 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Miercoles de Cuaresma 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Parish Secretary: Rosa Zamarripa
Bookkeeper: Assigned by Diocese of Laredo
Religious Education for Children – Amanda Cantu
Adult Religious Education (RCIA) – Lizette Torres
Youth Group – Monica Perales
Altar Servers – Alejandra Cardenas, Larizza Ancona
Lectors – Patsy Sosa
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion – Juan Zamarripa
Music Ministry – Daniel Castillo, Rosa Gonzalez, Elia Canales
Adoracion Nocturna – Silvano Gutierrez
Altar Society – Petra Martinez, Lulu Medina
Liturgical Committee – Petra Martinez
Knights of Columbus, Council 14316 – Felix Rocha, Grand Knight
ACTS CORE – Luis Garza, Gloria Rocha
Hospitality – Berta “Birdie” Torres
Guadalupanas – Patricia “Patsy” Sosa
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #1989 – Hope Fernandez
Sociedad de Santisimo Sacramento – Yolanda Paez, Rosario Contreras
Women’s Prayer Group – Mary Flores, Anita Martinez
Men’s Prayer Group – Juan Zamarripa,
Stewardship – Petra Martinez
Communications – Berta “Birdie” Torres
Jamaica Committee– Petra Martinez
Martha’s / Lazaro’s – Rosario Contreras, Rosa Zamarripa
Los Discipulos de Jesus – Jaime Sauceda
Bereavement Ministry – Anita Martinez, Mary Flores
1718 San Jorge Ave.
Laredo, TX 78040